George Pelekos is the Head Chef of Royal Blue Resort & Spa since 2009. He…

We care about the environment and we do things about it!
“We at Sensimar Royal Blue Resort & Spa are fully aware of our responsibility towards the local community and environmental issues. We are totally committed to improve a sustainable development that includes “reduce – reuse – recycle”. This are crucial cornerstones of our corporate philosophy and provide major contributions to the overall Sensimar experience.”
We are totally committed to:
- Conserve natural resources
- Use environmental-friendly technology
- Adapt our operation to regional characteristics & conditions
- Minimize negative impacts of our activity
- Reduce – reuse – recycle
- The Management
Environmental-friendly technologies
energy save lamps
moving sensors in less frequented areas
master switch for electricity in all rooms
breaker contacts on doors/windows for air-conditions
Units of reverse osmosis and filtration
drip irrigations for gardens
water saving buttons in all WCs
- Local, organic products, as well as products from own gardens
- Avoidance of single packed groceries
- Waste Management
- No chemical fertilizers
Human Recourses:
- Training for the staff to reduce the energy-needs
- Paper replaced by electronically messages
- Member of staff as environmental Officer
- Environmental friendly cleaning products
Information and Events
- Environmental Days
- Beach cleaning
- Cookery with fresh vegetables from the garden
- Edutainment: Cretan Environment and the nature of Crete
- Edutainment Seaturtle Caretta Caretta
- Support of non political organisation Archelon
- Support of World Environmental Day 5th of June
- Battery collection box
Staff and regional Development
- Engagement of local people and business to support the economy, community and protect local traditions
- Mix of local employees and students around the world
- Trainings for employees in professional development and additional knowledge (lifeguard, first aid, communication etc.)
- Local distributors for food and beverages
Information and Events
- Blood donation once per season in cooperation with the public hospital of Rethymnon
- Information of local habbits and traditions via facebook and
- Support of local artists (dance, music, art)
- Member of Staff as csr-Officer
Thank you for helping us achieve our environmental goals!
What can you do?
- Just wash your towels according to requirements
- Turn off the air condition when not needed
- Switch off the light when you don’t need it
- Remove not used chargers from the socket
- Don’t let the water run while shaving or brushing teeth
- Use the water saving button from the toilet
- Avoid plastic bags for shopping
- Prefer regional products
Do you have any other ideas to protect the environment and act sustainable?
Please do not hesitate to tell us your opinion, our earth is the only one we have!